Guest Post Worksheet

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Product Description

From ByRegina comes this simple, handy worksheet for planning your guest blog posts. This worksheet comes from her tip:

Pitch other publications for guest posts and freelance writing opportunities.


Find at least 5 smaller blogs, 10 similar-size blogs, and 5 major publications to present article or DIY ideas to. Speaking from a personal place, I was fuhreaking nervous about contacting Entrepreneur to write for them. At the time I was doing more business-y consulting so it was one of the premiere publications in my space. It all worked out even though I was scared + nervous, because they went for my idea.


For any blog or publication you’re considering, research their last several pieces, get a feel for their tone and mission, look up their submission policies, and then pull the trigger before you talk yourself out of it. At the very least you will have created quite a few unique post ideas, even if some of the publications don’t accept your idea.